Manda 💕

Dead inside but still sexy

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Anonymous Coward · 15d

I really love the idea of Zhongli and Childe talking things through after the Liyue arc while Childe's still there (after some moping around, of course) - and they are so completely smitten with each other. And basically going on dates and being lovey-dovey all the time. But they are both like: "nah, he sees me as a friend. I'm lucky we have this friendship again, I shouldn't push it. This is totally platonic" Two guys who are very smart on their own but incredibly dense about this :3

Anonymous Coward · 18d

will zc mafia au get more added to it?

Anonymous Coward · 19d

Do you have headcanons about the teams you play in Genshin? Like these four characters are actually traveling around Teyvat?

Nothing specific but I’ve seen these done before and I really liked them so maybe I’ll think of some

Anonymous Coward · 21d

After seeing a post about multilingual Childe I randomly remembered that we have an instance of him speaking russian/snezhnayan in his trailer. Does that mean that bilingual Childe is canon actually? 😳

I think it's def implied that while there seems to be a common tongue, different countries have their own language. I mean we've got the oratrice mecanique d'analyse cardinale, furina's song and her demo song were fully in french. yun jin's opera in mandarin. now we've got project stuzha or whatever it is which is russian so...

Anonymous Coward · 22d

First! I love ur work <3 ! (and I'm gonna share my dream I had bc its sad and I needa vent) So in this dream where Childe dies and erosion happens and Zl loses his mind and does bad stuff to try to revive Childe and then Childe comes to him in a dream and Zl snaps out of it and then spends the rest of his life making sure Childe is remembered. Idk how my brain came up with this stuff to make me cry at 2am when most of my dreams make no sense.

Omg u stop that rn. Do u know that Mozart died in near obscurity but his wife constanze traveled Europe to make sure his music was heard and remembered by the masses? And now everyone still knows abt him. She did it! It’s giving that kind of vibe and my heart hurts.

Anonymous Coward · 23d

do u plan on ever adding to the sugar daddy au? love ur work btw👉👈

YES they gotta get married and go on a honey moon and darling Ajax has to settle into being a trophy hubby

Anonymous Coward · 27d

I would love to see Childe go back to Liyue before joining the project stuzha stuff and when Zhongli sees the state he's in, he insists that Childe stays for a while and he does his best to take care of him. (Yes, I just want Childe to get a hug and someone to care) And Childe decides, although he thinks he's totally fine, no problem, this is the perfect opportunity to dodge Pantalone's yapping. Oh woe is he, no way to leave right now, it's just not possible

Oh nooo Pantalone, I couldn’t poooosibly leave liyue now. I’m simply soooo sick all of a sudden.

Anonymous Coward · 27d

I hope this is not unwanted negativity (if so you can ignore me) but I don't understand this competitiveness that seems to go on in hyv fandom. "my ship is 'more canon'" - wtf why should this even matter?? We're all playing around with fiction, why not get creative with it?! Also, these weird takes as if things that happened > 6 months ago didn't happen. I legit started Liyue preferring ch1lumi but as soon as I saw zl and ch interact, it was over for me! No one will ever convince me they aren't implied!

Totally not negativity. I am so tired of ship wars like we are all here to shove the dolls together and make them kiss. It’s fine.

Anonymous Coward · 27d

"Old ship" and it's just three years. I miss older fandoms where a ship going on for years was considered a good thing over treating fandom like fast fashion "move on to the new ship per region" that Genshin fandom does. It's so ??? to me.

Anonymous Coward · 28d

Kinda sad ppl can mention their ships having complementary designs and tease but you can't mention zhongchi in that anymore without getting bullied just because its "old"

I knooow I don’t get why ppl would send hate about me liking a ship cause it’s an older one at this point. Like I literally shipped and wrote usuk fanfic for a DECADE (hetalia cringe era oof) why would I let that stop me

Anonymous Coward · 29d

Very silly zc idea with trans childe
Idk if you saw that childe fanart of him making a bag out of his pants where he had no underwear on
So like a childe that doesnt wear underwear with teared up pants between his legs from fighting and a zhongli thats just got home and sees his wifes pussy showing and he just-
LMAO i could imagine him pushing his hand through the hole to tease childe

Ohmigod yes I don’t think zl would even hesitate for a second if he came across taru pussy. He would tease him forever, just rubbing at his clit and pressing inside ever so slowly until Ajax is begging and whining and demanding to be fucked.

Anonymous Coward · 29d

enemies to lovers zcl - but they were never really enemies, everyone around them just assumed they were. thinking their flirting was meant as provocation or their dates were just "playing nice to keep face". meanwhile zhongli and childe are just happily, oblivious (maybe) in love and probably already married

Anon I love this. Traveler to Zl: “wow childe is still really mad at u, huh?”

Zl, oblivious, just got back from his third honeymoon vacation with Childe, “huh?”

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

Do you have a prefered modern AU for ZCL? Like coffee shop or gamer or idol or anything like that?

I love AUs so much but like Professor Zl/student Ajax is yummy always. Idol is so so fun too and I love any time I get to talk about luxury/rich ppl environments I’ve never been in lmao so a sugar ddy au or a mafia au where someone’s super mega wealthy is always really fun

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

hiiiii manda how are you!! do you have any fun ideas you'd like to ramble about?

Work is so blah rn that I need some escapism so imagine a teyvat reality show? Like imagine the liyue archon quest but everyone has confessionals so you’ve got Childe being like “wow that consultant sure looks a lot like the statues of the seven” and then the confessional just goes to zhongli laughing like “I don’t know what he’s talking about” like lmao

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