Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anon · 1mo

Ah, someone of culture. Touhou has so many good polycules with all the ladies and factions around! And made even better if they all weight a dozen tons and become morbid gasbags! Any other fat touhou ships you go gaga for! I’d love to hear as many as you enjoy!

i can name a bunch off the top of my head that work best for fat stuff... mokou x kaguya, reisen x tewi, reisen x youmu, reimu x youmu, yukari x yuyuko x okina, the list just keeps going and going and GOING holy shit. aya x hatate, marisa x reimu, meiling x sakuya, sakuya x ran, IT JUST KEEPS GOING I NEED TO SEE ALL THE TOUHOU CHARACTERS OBESE AND GAY AND BLASTING ASS AND MASHING PUSSYROLLS TOGETHER LIKE HORNY WHALES HEEEEEEEEEELP

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