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Anon · 7mo

Any other Yu ships you like?

Hii anon. Wow thank you for filling my retrospring. Look at this acc, so dusty and full of cobweb HAHAHA

Interesting question and yes I do actually!! YuHana/ShuHana, BanKita, and for the other two ships that I completely made up (no, it's from Persona Q) YuTheo and YuMitsu!!! (Yes, THAT Mitsuru Kirijo). I guess that's about all 👀 I ship Yu platonically with everyone if that counts LOL, our Inaba Prince 🫶

Anon · 1y
Anon · 1y

What are some p4 protagonist headcanons you have?

Anon · 1y

Apparently, in P4D, Adachi's dance (DLC) took place while he was in prison after the game, and he's dreaming of the entire thing while asleep (source via a persona info book). When Yu comes into the dance, that's how he imagines Yu to act, and I think it's very cute that Adachi dreams of him (apparently he dreams of him often, as said in the book). I wonder what your thoughts is on this, and perhaps share your own ideas on what else Adachi dreams of? 😳

Anon · 1y

adachi is a candy store owner and yu is a regular, what would he order?? 👁️

Adachi--- WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE'S NOT ON THE MENU?? 😔😔 okay but I think Yu will buy any lollipop. Maybe the red ones so it'll remain on his lips like a lipstick lmaoo. And the ones that'll make his lips glowy

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