Anonymous · 6mo

PLEEEAAASE help. I don't know the most efficient way to make pears. I can't for the life of me get the legs to look good. They either look too low and small I think-

-The Spectral Mal-ass

I hesitate to call myself a pear expert, heh. Maya is pear-shaped of course, but the way she's drawn doesn't really work for most other characters. But, if it's specifically the proportions that you think are off, then I recommend taking a much closer look at the proportions of pear-shaped characters that you feel are drawn correctly to compare with, as well as real life references if realism is what you're going for. A strategy I remember doing once was drawing a diamond like shape with them (figuratively or literally), where you have one point at the peak of a characters head, one point at their feet, and then two more at the points where their hips are widest. Doing so will help you get a much clearer image of the most important traits of a pear-shaped character, and in turn a better intuition of how to draw them yourself. Pay close attention to how wide they are relative to height, how low on the body that widest point is, how it compares to the height of other important elements like the waist and shoulders and how all of these things can affect the final result.

Thanks for the question! (and also giving your name so I know what I'm working with, lol). Hopefully this helps. Unless you were talking about bottom heavy inflation rather than pear-shaped, in which case I apologize cause this won't help you there at all lol.

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