Misaki · 8 answers · 2y

POV: You enter a room and suprise your fave in the middle of doing something while you weren't there. What do you think you would catch them doing?

Probably tuning up some equipment. She is an applied tech specialist, afterall.

Grani would be drinking a baja blast and eating a comically large pizza slice when I walk in the room and ask her what's good

Not me catching Ash bust a few dance moves and wearing whatever Gosling!Ken wore in that reveal photo- Fionn.exe has stopped working

Skadi? Honestly sleeping or watching some show! Maybe both, where she passed out while watching something on the couch.
As for Skalter tho.. I like to think that a Ishar-mla who has "settled in" would really like to soak in the bath. It might be too small, but I think she would love to take hot relaxing baths all the same. It's nice and moist in there.

if blemi, plat and gravel are in the same room w/out me i wouldve had no idea what theyre planning. either a surprise bday party for me or a plan to take down capitalism

My current favorite character is Ranka Lee, Marcross Frontier, so most likely I would catch her singing.

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