

Hihi~! I'm your local shy fox girl that loves games, art and tech! šŸ¦Š šŸ©· āœØ

šŸ Canada
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~lucidiot Ā· 17h

Is Lian hot? She told me she isn't.

Lian Ā· 15 answers Ā· 2d

Snackrifice~! You just got turned into a candy or dessert~! What would you be, is it a favorite of yours... Would you want to be eaten?... >.>

Hopefully a cookie or a cake of some kind, chocolate preferably. Not sure what the implications of being eaten would be though; if I regenerate after? Maybe šŸ‘€šŸ¤­

Lian Ā· 2d

Favorite beverages? Any special occasion ones? :3

I drink water a lot but as far as favourites go, coke zero! If itā€™s a special occasion, I mostly just drink a little more coke zero than usual ^^

asoukes Ā· 4 answers Ā· 2d

gay? (interpret in any way(s) desired, this is a vague question)

Lian Ā· 5d

What are your plushies' names? :D

I have 8 (so far šŸ˜…) and in no particular order; Corinna, Angie, Heather, Middy, Farryn, Beula, Chloe and Melody!

Lian Ā· 17 answers Ā· 8d

I cast Haste on the router!! What arbitrary magic would you use to solve silly mundane things?

Spell that removes body hair by magically giving it to someone else who actually wants it

Lian Ā· 8d

What are the optimal gitl stats?

I donā€™t know if thereā€™s a meta build but I love your focus on the cute/adorable/sweet stats for sure~! šŸ¤­šŸ„°

~lucidiot Ā· 9d

so when is the wedding,

Not sure if it'd be feasible in the short term rn but we're both pretty sure we'd like to look into that some day! ^^

Lian Ā· 9d

How did you manage to instantly become the best foxxo on RetroSpring?!

Lian Ā· 17 answers Ā· 9d

Ayo my gf is on RetroSpring now?! Go check her out! :3

As for an actual question how great is her theme?! :D

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