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Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Kimoru, If you had to complain about anything your rescue team does, what would it be? Or would there be anything you want them to work on?

Demanding clients. Honestly, I understand being scared and worried after needing to be rescued, but making demands of your rescuers is pretty absurd to me.

"Don't go that way, it'll take too long!"
"Hold on, I think I found something valuble!"
"I'm paying you to get me out, you have to listen to me!"

It's another reason having them tucked away in my belly just makes things easier.

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

What is Reath afraid of?

He's not particularly afraid of anyone, but he does get anxious around particularly grateful clients. He feels it's only respectful to accept a gift from someone who wants to show their appreciation for saving them.

However, since many of those people don't have too much to offer, they often give him food. And while that isn't bad, he has a very low matabolism. Unlike Trey, food doesn't break down fast for him and just visually adds to his figure. Something that is a point of soreness for him.

Leaf · 2mo

What's the longest Muki has kept someone in his gut for?
For curiosity sake, that can also extend to Kim, Trey and Reath~

Hmmmmm... I think a month or two was the longest, though it's been a while! Can't remember if it was with Mukiro or Kimoru.

Trey hard stops at 24 hours. The little guy has strict principals he stands by!

Reath would be for an hour or two though. He doesn't like carrying people around for pleasure/fun. He does it only to heal them~

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

How round is Kimoru's Belly?

I haven't exactly gotten anything of him with a base size unfortunately! I'd just say he's noticeably bigger than the average Zangoose~

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

Of you characters, who's able to gain weight quickest? What about the Slowest?

The only characters I've talked about having any sort of metabolism are Trey and Reath.

And as for them, Trey very much loses weight the fastest. He also eats a particularly large amount as well, so it shows by the small amount of pudge he carries around.

Reath on the other hand loses it very slow. And it's a point of particular frustration for him!

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

What's your favorite kinks? If you had to make a list?

Oral Vore, Paws/Feet, Macro/Micro, Endosoma. Those are the main ones that come to mind~

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

Have you kept a mouse alive in your tummy for a long time? If so, what was your record?

Ironically, I don't really get many mice to gulp down. For them, I only had them for a couple of days or so. but it's always just been a comfort for them!

Non-mouse though. The record I've had was a couple months~

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

How big of a belly is too big?

I don't particularly like it when there are a bunch of folds on the body. Just a simple, rounded belly is more than enough! Maybe some bumps from the prey squirming about~

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

Does trey have a favorite pokemon type to eat, sorta like how people have a favorite flavor of candy or soft drink

Hmmmm... I'd say electric of fairy types would be preferences for him. Essentially because they would energize him quite a bit (a lot of fairy types tend to be 'sweet' looking).

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

Hiiiiiiii, you got a zangoose right?? Is he usually canonicallly fat~? 0w0 is he open to date a cutie like me~?

Yes, I have a Zangoose. And no, he isn't fat at all. He does have a round belly though!
And he is already in a relationship.

Dewwy · 3mo

Hi it's me Dewwy, what if you ate me? Just food for thought

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

If your characters were the opposite alignments (good to evil, vice versa) how would they change?

Leaf · 3mo

Are Mukiro and Kimoru two sides of the same coin or perhaps they're very different? What was their origins that came to their names being so similar?

They absolutely are two sides of the same coin! Originally I only had Kimoru (who was simply called Mukiro back then). But when I came up with a fursona, the Zangoose started to get used less. I think a year or two ago now is when I came up with changing the Zangoose's name so he can be his own character.

Leaf · 3mo

Do any of your characters have rivals at all? Whether in lore, for fun, vore rivals or otherwise?

I think the character who would have the closest thing to a rival would be Trey with his father Havok. With him being a bounty hunter, and Havok being a high ranking bandit in his own right, the two are inevitably going to have a big battle!

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

Are your characters dating people? and if so, who?

@DelectibleDewwy and I have a couple characters that are romantic with each other. That's as far as "dating" would go for any of mine at least.

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