Nick · 7 answers · 1y

Do you have any AUs for your OCs? And if yes, what would the alternate versions think of each other if they met?

The only real AU I have so far is Villain! Saki AU. I think Saki would be a bit intimidated but fascinated with this version of herself lmao

I have a sort of villain/corruption arc AU where Mariah kinda goes insane and becomes a cult leader 👀 Mariah would be ashamed to see that side of herself but she’s very aware that it wouldn’t take much for her to fall into that state; meanwhile evil Mariah would think normal Mariah is the weaker and more naive version of herself

Avian started of as a Fate OC, it anything this is the Pokemon AU. He's an administrator for the Pollicies department of Clock Tower. Both are burned out, overworked corporate wage slaves, both are surprisingly popular with the ladies. Difference is in the Fate series, his happy end is becoming a house husband as the token man in a mage triad leaders harem as her husband.

None that I've thought through all that much, alas. Right now Estella's AUs go about as deep as "who she ends up with" haha.

I've only really entertained one bad end AU for her where she ends up as a corporate slave, essentially, but even that was just me and someone else spitballing a scenario where she and another character got together in a sad way.

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