Nameless Youkai · 5mo

At what age/year did you start browsing imageboards? I'm asking this because I'm blown away by how much you know about so many imageboards that and niche internet phenomena that I never even heard of, you must've been an even worse imageboard addict than myself...

I first heard about 4chan through an old internet forum in the late 2000s where it was vaguely described as this "bad" place, despite several users hinting that they actually went there and even tried to hotlink the images which obviously didn't work. However, I really didn't care since I was young and more focused on dumb shit like counting to 10,000 or pirating media that interested me.

After I turned 13 in 2010, I decided to become a wayward lurker that observed internet communities like 4chan and DeviantArt from afar, then I began that throwaway identity that eventually became this identity and the rest is history. I wouldn't really call myself an "imageboard addict" since I still feel like I've mostly grown out of them since 2015. Anybody could've done what I've done.

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