RhymewithRay · 18 answers · 2y

What are your favourite kinds of oc hcs to discuss with friends?

Ohh I love taking about OC lore, Oc ships and potential interactions with my moots OCs! Even speaking about hypothetical situations is fun! These types of discussions also really help with characterization too.

Ships are especially fun! And I don’t like to just talk about mine. I wanna talk about other’s too! For example: when I chat with you it’s really fun to see how passionate you are about MarcieKing and LinRu and it get’s me hyped to see stuff for them! It also helps me to consider things I didn’t think about for my own! Like BriSum!! Lastly coming up with an active OC ship from the ground up with you has been a really enjoyable experience that I’ve never had before! LuMi has already quickly become a comfort ship in the same way BriSum has for me!

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