RhymewithRay · 18 answers · 2y

What are your favourite kinds of oc hcs to discuss with friends?

I live for the fluffy stuff, but I also like to talk about the angsty stuff too lol

Im also a big sucker for talking about domestic HCs and everday things

Honestly I really just love any kind of interactions between OCs with friends! It can be something simple such as what mischief they get into on vacation, more in-depth plot stuff potentially, or even just doing off the walls AU stuff. I really want to hc with people more, but I’m really shy about reaching out sometimes;;;

I love thinking about interactions like friendship/rivalry/hatred/platonic, it's so much fun to see in what situations our characters could get :3c

I think Briar's story is mostly developed as it is so I can't really see myself shipping her with another OC so that's out of the question (although I have shipped Briar with other OCs in the past but nothing is endgame, it was mostly something for funsies LOL But rn I don't think of shipping scenarios, I'm more comfortable with just anything else lol)

Interactions!!!!! Like first Impressions or fluff like playing board games and stuff like that

Any… I love them, and am open for them, but I have had little to none as of late.

I’m a big sap for romance shit so shipping has has always been my favorite! I wanna do it more honestly, I just need to get back in that vibe ya know?

I actually really enjoy the worldbuilding aspect and how that may/may not affect the characters

Lore, relationships (friend, rivalries, romantic) etc. I've only done so much of it tho so I'm still learning what hits best for me

Lore, ships and interactions! Even just purely hypothetical stuff is tons of fun!! it helps with characterisation, put them in different situations they may or may not be in which makes me discover more about them... Also brainworms that get stuck in my brain for years on end.

You already know this Ray, but platonic/friendship interactions are mainly my thing. I'm not big on romance.

Ruth x Elio x Lindow interactions are the biggest vibe. The three of them hangin' out and doing stuff while indulging in each other's hobbies and passions. That's my jam! 😊

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