Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anon chang · 6mo

continuation of the message: And it's not just that with the shirt either hahaha, shoes are also another pain because there are stores that only have adult sizes. There was a salesperson who said: "man, this shoe line size is already children's, we won't have it" I was like 🤡🤡🤡🤡. Pure suffering lol

I thought it would be easier to respond directly from the last message you sent. I'm really sorry to hear about your frustrating experience at the mall. Finding clothes that fit perfectly can be such a challenge, ive been in your shoes. 😭✋️ I've definitely struggled with alterations myself, so I get how annoying it can be to have to sew hems just to make things wearable. 😫😫😫 So, did you end up finding any clothes to buy yesterday?

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