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Anon chang · 1d

I want to know you better, tapi saya bingung buat awal mula DM kamunya gimana hahaha. 😅

Eh kaget... Dm kaya biasa aja ngga papa kok kalau mau ngobrol. Aku terima semua jenis obrolan. ✋️

Anon chang · 4d

just my random thought has stranger that you met in random public space ever asked for your phone number or social media?

Anon chang · 5d

Thank you for the advice and for being a person who cares about me, I'm happy to read great words, it's great to be an altruistic person and understand other people's side, continue being that wonderful woman that you are, a person making a difference is already the enough. And how was your week? Tell me

You're welcome! I'm really glad my words resonated with you and it means a lot to hear that from you. My week has been quite busy with a few personal projects, but ive also made some time to relax. How was your week? Anyway, its July already. May July bring you lots of happiness!

Anon chang · 6d

Ah, relax, a good, well-educated person like you, of course I will respond. It was a typo on my part, it was supposed to be "you" and I ended up using "him". Sorry, it's everyday tiredness hahaha.

How kind you are. I take that as a compliment, thank you. :) I see, it's completely understandable. We all make small mistakes when we're tired. I'm glad to communicate with you. Remember to take care of yourself and get some rest ya.

Anon chang · 6d

boleh tau undertone kamu apa ga?

Anon chang · 6d

kamu tertarik sama yang lebih muda gak?

Anon chang · 6d

Wow, beautiful words you wrote. He was able to clearly understand the meaning of the sentence. Congratulations 👏👏👏👏

Thank you! Glad to hear that :) But may i know who is the 'he' you are referring to? But you don't have to answer if you don't want to. :D

Anon chang · 7d

nici buat aegyosal pake apa sama tutor plis aku bikin aegyosal jadi kaya orang ga tidur setahun lmao.

Aku juga awal belajar kaya gitu nder HAHAH. Aku pake coklat eyeshadow romand shade mahogany garden. Buat tipsbatau tutor itu depends on the eyes, kamu harus tau bentuk yang cocok buat mata kamu. Cuma biar garisnya ngga ketebelan aku pake kuas buat lukis yang tipis bgt HAHAHAHA.

Anon chang · 7d

what if temen deket kamu suka sama kamu? bakal ngejauh ga?

Anon chang · 7d

This phrase is from a character in a manga I read. What do you think? "Worried about a single leaf, you will not see the tree. Worried about a single tree, you will not perceive the entire forest. Do not worry about a single point. See everything in its fullness without straining."

I think this saying emphasizes the significance of viewing the larger picture instead of getting caught up in small details. It implies that concentrating too much on one particular aspect can cause us to overlook the wider context or overall comprehension. Such a perspective is beneficial in many areas of life, promoting a more comprehensive approach to challenges and circumstances.

Anon chang · 11d

nici ada workout gitu kh? proporsi badannya bagus

Sender terima kasih. Aku ngga pernah workout karena ngga kuat HAHAH. Tapi aku suka jalan kaki dan naik turun tangga sebagai pengganti workout :D

Anon chang · 10d

Nici mau tau dress yg kamu pakai hari ini beli dmn boleh?

Haloooo sender. Maaf banget aku ngga bisa jawab karena itu aku bajunya pemberian kado dari temen aku. Maaf banget yaaa T____T

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