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Anon chang · 6mo

Yes, I bought 1 pair of pants, 1 button-down shirt, 1 shoe, the size closest to mine, but the pants and shirt needed to be adjusted according to my measurements. Yes, I bought 1 pair of pants, 1 button-down shirt, 1 shoe, the size closest to mine, but the pants and shirt needed to be adjusted according to my measurements. But I'm sure women shouldn't have so much trouble trying on clothes.

Hmm, not really, because women's body proportions are also different in shape. For example, many of us, including myself, have a much smaller waist compared to our legs and thighs. So, whenever we buy pants, it's always a problem. If we buy ones that fit the thighs, they'll be too big at the waist, but if we follow the waist size, the thigh area won't fit.

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