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Kaito's Lovely Beings · 7mo

hiii i just wanted to ask a little more about hcc’s condition in ‘you think i’m psycho, you think im gone’ you dont have to answer if u dont want to!!

anyway, i just wanted to know if you meant bipolar mood disorder or borderline personality disorder (BPD)?

Hi!! Thank you for reaching out.

When I made the story, I really wanted Heeseung's split personalities to be the main focus of the story which was why the story had to do with a violent man and the sweetest boy. When I wrote Chapter 3, I originally wrote "and then I was diagnosed with some type of mental illness that gave split personalities..." But I didn't like how vague it was.

I tried searching all on Google "what mental illness gives you split personalities" and all that came up was DID (which I know about. I don't have it but friends who do actually educated me on it), but it felt off. I actually had more of a Bipolar type of illness in my head when making the story but I wasn't too educated and couldn't tell the difference. So I googled BPD and I did as much research as I could. I ended up sticking with BPD but made it to where the behaviors and Moods show as personalities of two different people (in one body) for easy recognition than one boy, two different moods, on different tome of days when Extreme highs and lows happen. I hope that made sense!

I just had a vision of heeseung having a violent side of him in heeseung and a softer side of him in Evan but could only find BPD as fit for the role but trying to keep the Split personality part of it.

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