Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anonymous boykisser · 9mo

Do you want more things than you need?

i'm a guitarist, i want new instruments every time i go to buy strings

jokes aside though, i think i've gotten good at being content with the things i have. i mean, i've been using my first guitar amp for years without ever wanting a new one because it just works. i've had like, two effect pedals for years without wanting more (and also my amp has effects built into it, again, goated). my last instrument acquisition was... like, a week ago, but i promise it was necessary i needed a new bass! i have realistically everything i would need to record a full album, except maybe a better microphone for vocals? and my only consistent urge to get new equipment has been really really wanting a telecaster because im hyperfixated on a band that uses teles a lot

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