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Possible Sex Offender · 11mo

Genuinely I really wish there were more scenarios that follow Anime Meta Knight being kidnapped by EeNeMe/Nightmare during the war and having his body (and mind) toyed with just barely beyond repair, of course he's saved, but the mental scars will always remain! I can already imagine the kind of stuff they'd do to him, probably strap him down in the toilets to let any woman or man have a go at him! They could even leave tattoos if they'd like! The heavy usage of opioids would keep him very very nice and easy to manage!

I'm pretty sure something like this probably already exits out there somewhere. I'm also going to assume it's probably very poorly written lol Kinks in this fandom seem to be pretty tame. Not a lot or niche or hardcore stuff here. Honestly, it's the purest fandom I've ever known.

Could also be a scenario where he's just trapped in a nightmare and the delirium of it has him experiencing these things like they're really happening to his body, as if his fears only manifest the more he's afraid. That's probably worse than what anyone else could ever do to him. "Your mind is your own worst enemy" and all that.

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