
This is a no kink-shaming zone. I have very little fucks to give. Be cringe, be horny, be free. Just don't talk about this account anywhere else.
(posts marked with ⭕️ have heavy kinks)

In a cave hiding from the world
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capicola · 2mo


capicola · 4mo

Honestly, I don't think I can top PK's answer. As much as I hate bow animeta's Halberd looks, it's definitely the most technologically advanced, which is nuts when you consider he and like two other dudes built that themselves in a soggy basement. I do think that game Meta Knight's has a lot of artillery and a whole crew backing it up, so it'd probably come second. Smash imo is kind of just game MK but in the smash world for tournaments, but in reality smash lore is something else entirely, so if you consider that all the character's are actually just trophies then I guess his Halberd is just a toy ship! Haha

Possible Sex Offender · 4mo

Meta Knight becomming a prostitute of some kind is so nice! I love the idea of Meta Knight, of all people, having to sell his body for some reason or another. It's especially good if he's doing it all in secret but one of his friends finds out...and books an appointment.

Possible Sex Offender · 4mo

I'm pretty sure something like this probably already exits out there somewhere. I'm also going to assume it's probably very poorly written lol Kinks in this fandom seem to be pretty tame. Not a lot or niche or hardcore stuff here. Honestly, it's the purest fandom I've ever known.

Could also be a scenario where he's just trapped in a nightmare and the delirium of it has him experiencing these things like they're really happening to his body, as if his fears only manifest the more he's afraid. That's probably worse than what anyone else could ever do to him. "Your mind is your own worst enemy" and all that.

PK · 4mo

ALRIGHT i took a shot at borb peach too lol (https://brawlmetaknight.tumblr.com/private/743184671118147584/tumblr_s9cko5nwh51y7o7bu). if i end up drawing any pr0n of them it'll be posted on my gijinka acc as always.


I want to do it too, but I have irl commissions to work on 😫

I love how her cape looks like the bustle of her dress. Gives her shape 🍑
And good lord you know Meta Knight is just OVERHEATING with affection. They walk around the mansion hand-in-hand because Peach wants to show her new form to everyone and Meta is escorting her. They all get to see him trying so hard not to seem like a giddy kid with a crush on a pretty girl, but he's losing the battle to stay cool <3 and then they kiss

Possible Sex Offender · 4mo

each meta knight gets flirted with in front of his crew/friends
and its working 😳

Ha! Would probably be a bit awkward! If anything, I think that Meta Knight would feel very flattered to be flirted with. His crew would probably be flattered on his behalf. Sword and Blade I can imagine would want to wingman it, but Vul would stop them.

Game, however, if metadede is taken into consideration, might have to just politely decline any advances.

Possible Sex Offender · 5mo

just saying I think dededilf should be more appreciated like he literally has the best tum in dreamland already. hes also a bit bigger than the other characters so you know he gives the best hugs. that penguin feathers has to be super warm a cuddly too

Hm... Dededadbod
Very valid take!

It's even more alluring if you consider that he might actually be 100% pure beefcake underneathe all that extra weight lol. And hey, you could huddle with him for warmth like how penguins do!

Possible Sex Offender · 5mo

bit metadede lately
what kinks do you think dedede has?

capicola · 5mo
bogus · 5mo

borblets can go from cute squeaky puff to hellspawn easily.

Imagine a metadede lovechild borblet where it starts out making happy baby penguin sounds, then all the sudden transitions into BAT SCREECH

Get's 'em every time

Very metacore lol

I can also imagine that if he married Dedede he would get Dedede's signature peace sign on the ring, and meanwhile Dedede would get Meta Knight's symbol on his.

And just Meta Knight proposing would be something I want to see. I feel like that'd be entertaining.

Possible Sex Offender · 5mo

this is more out of curiosity because you said you like biology and are not grossed by muxh , but what are your opinions on scat?


Yeah it really doesn't bother me. I mean, it's certainly nothing I'm into in the slightest, but I don't have any strong opinions on it. I still wouldn't answer any scat related questions here because of the taboo. Remember I'm not actually really into anything that happens here, so I just try not to let it get too nasty lol
Otherwise it feels awkward if not just because I think people might get a bit tmi about their interests :x

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