OG · 4 answers · 6mo

What gift would you give your favorite characters?

Kirby: a cozy fluffy blanket and fruity alcohol.
King Dedede: one of those really nice deluxe charcuterie boards with lots of meat, some kind of book on engineering, a scarf.
Meta Knight: deluxe expensive box of chocolate and sword cleaning kit.

Ooooh there there's so many blorbos to give gifts to!! But, I'll just focus on my top man..

For mk probably something practical like some comfy bat themed slippers, the softest rope I could possibly find and ~lots of head~ a super comfortable bed fit just for him! Pretty much anything he could get good use out of 💙

or something tasty for him to enjoy! I don't think I'm the best cook in the world but, I do enjoy baking quite a bit! Probably would bake him an assortment of cookies especially my favorites sugar, cherry and snickerdoodles!

for mk? head a fancy chocolate and wine hamper! a handmade leather-bound journal or something would be good too. for daroach, a fluffy robe and slippers set. for susie, a self-care kit (flowers, bath bombs, lotions, aroma diffuser for the office etc). any other big faves are from different fandoms lol.

id gift meta knight a weighted blanket because he might like it :)
dedede would get an air fryer because why not?
kirby's getting a whole set of children's books and toys because he will NOT become a cocomelon kid.
galacta knight gets a massage gun. being in the crystal for so long does things to you.

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