Anon · 4mo

Okay so I know this is weird, but if I were to write a fic focused on Blade and his brief moment of comfort that he finds in Kafka (after nightmares, struggles, etc.) and the Stellaron Hunters, do you think that would be weird?
Becuz one hand I see it as a Blade centric fic & that's normal, but on the other I feel like that's just throwing Kafka into a stereotypical motherly caring role and babying Blade (grown ass man). I just want someone's thoughts on this and I'm too scared to DM ppl lol

It's not weird at all, I understand the concern. I occasional wonder how much care is too much when writing as well but I also recognize that just because a person often cares for the other often doesn't mean that becomes their role like you're worried about. Kafka can be written as caring and babying Blade but there will be plenty of times where she'll be a little shit and cause him problems for fun. Blade can also be just as mothering during rare moments where he feels capable of it, mothering isn't something that just a woman can be. I think you should write it, it sounds like it could be sweet. Just be aware that there are facets to being a caring person and that it's not always just being sweet.

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