Zeta · 2y

Has Sofia won any Grand Festivals or League Competitions?

Fortunately not! I’d imagine for Grand Festivals that they perform exceedingly well at the start and then always end up getting beat out by Émile just. Fated to lose to him (and infuriate him in the process bc it’s more smth they’re doing for fun than for fame). As for battles, while she’s experienced, they’re not exactly her focal point, so she might get a good few victories in before getting knocked out of the tournament/dropping out themselves bc uh oh, victory means too many eyes watching their life 😳👍 and also bc it’s such a large scale event I cant begin to imagine how many skilled trainers specializing in battles would be there so. Moderately honed talent can only take a person so far!!
Otherwise, they usually stuck more to in-region coordinating/battle events like contests and league challenges. The former of which they’ve won plenty of times, and with the latter they usually stop at or right before the champion.

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