Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

blooper · 7mo

Haha, normalcy doesn't suit you, though. I mean if you consider yourself a little freak, then please just be ... one? Please just stay true? Rest assured there will be someone who will match yours (me, hopefully). Damn I am sorry if I sound lame. I am not much of a pro flirt myself (hell I don't even know how to do this properly, sorry). Please tell me if you're uncomfortable

WAIT, DO YOU MEAN THIS IN A NON-PLATONIC WAY. WAAAAAAAAAARGH. okay, wait, okay. alright, at first, it did sort of freak me out and all fidgety receiving this kind of thing but you're kinda funny (in a loser way)(POSITIVE CONNOTATION). so, i think it's quite fine for now. how do i react to this, what should i say. why did you try to flirt, do you want to marry me. WAIT I HAVE TO SAY THANK YOU. thank you.

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