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blooper · 8d

can you buy me stellar jades on codashop plz!!

blooper · 8d
blooper · 8d

Eh baru sadar yang barusan panjang banget, Bel. Nggak usah dibales deh, aduh, maaf ya. Pasti pusing nih abis ini



blooper · 8d
blooper · 9d
blooper · 9d

DUMBASS. I WAS ABOUT TO CALL YOU A WHOLE DUMBASS AND A LOSER. however, i surely made a silly mistake and mistyped 'your' as 'MY'. i asked.. you.. why would you waste YOUR time for a me. goddamn, i'm totally sorry for it. maybe your message did cause a dizziness a little (POSITIVELY AGAIN)(DON'T MISTAKE ME THIS TIME), hence the mistake occurred.

seriously, change the flow a little, it's only unfair that you seem to know about me meanwhile i'm lost in fog about you. at least, tell me you're having a good day too. GOD'S SAKE, YOU MAKE ME DIZZY AGAIN. SUCH A TROUBLE (positively AGAIN).

blooper · 9d

Sorry for scrolling your profile, but I adore your talents very badly. Please tweet more of them.

great lord, thank you so much, i really had to utilize something to distract people from my twisted and questionable personalities.

blooper · 9d

man.. you're surely good with words, why are you even wasting my time for A ME (no offense)(sorry, just clueless). for god's sake, what do you mean you're nothing but being straightforward? YOU JUST REVEALED YOURSELF AS A VERY DANGEROUS PERSON FOR SOMEONE WHO EASILY GETS FLUSTERED.

ALSO, WAIT, WHAT. I TOTALLY HAVE NO IDEA GRASPED FROM YOUR NOT INFORMATIVE HINT AND I AM CURRENTLY NOT INTERESTED IN ANYONE ROMANTICALLY. LIKE, OK? WHAT ARE YOU? PERAMAL???????? but this is kinda funny, you're truly a loser oh my god (adorably, kinda, and hopelessly).

blooper · 10d
blooper · 10d

Hahaha, what else can I say? I (indeed) am a loser. I can't even pluck up some courage to dm you just yet, so I think I will remain as a blooper here, yeah? That, and I simply do not wish to ruin your peace, so I consider not to hit you up privately before you give me a green light. And no, no, please don't say thank you. It's on me. It's always my pleasure. Thank you, for existing

seriously, you're sort of too good at being considerate and i can't find myself being all fidgety anymore. YOU'RE SO KIND AND FOR WHAT. ANYWAY ARE YOU OOMF? if so, please interact more on timeline! conversing with someone i know and someone in void can be very different sometimes. for example, i accidentally visualized you like a scary gramps at an abandoned house due to my retrospring theme and the clueless traces of your existence (which is why i was cautious). if that even makes sense, but fine, have a good evening #blooper1!

blooper · 10d

Haha, normalcy doesn't suit you, though. I mean if you consider yourself a little freak, then please just be ... one? Please just stay true? Rest assured there will be someone who will match yours (me, hopefully). Damn I am sorry if I sound lame. I am not much of a pro flirt myself (hell I don't even know how to do this properly, sorry). Please tell me if you're uncomfortable

WAIT, DO YOU MEAN THIS IN A NON-PLATONIC WAY. WAAAAAAAAAARGH. okay, wait, okay. alright, at first, it did sort of freak me out and all fidgety receiving this kind of thing but you're kinda funny (in a loser way)(POSITIVE CONNOTATION). so, i think it's quite fine for now. how do i react to this, what should i say. why did you try to flirt, do you want to marry me. WAIT I HAVE TO SAY THANK YOU. thank you.

blooper · 10d

I apologize if I've made you uncomfortable, it's just – you hadn't shown up all morning so ... I was kind of worried? And I thought that maybe you had fallen sick since you slept very late last night. But okay, thanks God, you seem fine. Have a delightful weekend

WAIT, NO. THE TEARS WERE IN POSITIVE CONNOTATION. man, i really gotta fix my awkward ass reaction to unexpected care. i mean, thank you very much for going to certain extent and checking up on me! it's pretty much a harmless attention and i truly appreciate it. SORRY FOR LOSING MY COOL, IS THIS NORMAL ENOUGH NOW.

blooper · 10d

Abel, udah makan siang belum? Jangan skip nanti kamu sakit

SORRY, I JUST WOKE UP. so it's mostly a brunch and i'm having it now.. 🧍‍♂️ thank you for checking up. (WHY'D YOU EVEN CARE ABOUT SUCH THING YOU'RE GONNA MAKE ME WEEP)

Silas · 15d

Sekolah favorit Haikyuu loe apa bff?

blooper · 11d

Lucu, are you into girls by any chance?

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