Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more
REMINDER: Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more
Hal apa yang bikin kamu ilfeel sama seseorang?
There are actually a myriad of small and large factors that can cause me to “ilfeel” towards someone. However, among the many possibilities, there is one particular thing that truly turns me off: the act of labeling someone as bad simply because of their zodiac sign. It's important to remember that zodiac signs are meant for fun and entertainment, not for making serious judgments about people.
Moreover, it's acceptable to label something as unattractive if you have a personal connection with the person. For instance, if you don't know someone well or have only just met them, it's absurd to assume that they will possess negative traits just because of their zodiac sign. Not everyone believes in or adheres to the characteristics associated with their sign, and it's unfair to make assumptions based on such superficial criteria.
In fact, I would much rather be called “polos, sok suci, or anything related” than be labeled as "sangean" simply due to my zodiac sign. Yes, that's Scorpio. It's important to approach people with an open mind and get to know them as individuals rather than making assumptions based on something as arbitrary as their zodiac sign. Let's focus on building genuine connections and understanding each other on a deeper level.
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