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anon · 10d

Whats your favorite thing about the binding of isaac? Do you have a favorite character?

theres lots to like about isaac, back when i played the flash demo on newgrounds i was really drawn by the macabre but cute aesthetic of it and the learning curve and replayability. i remember minimizing the window everytime i heard my mom walk by so she wouldnt see i was playing a game with blood/satanic imagery in it lol. being around for the BIRTH of REBIRTH and subsequent DLC was really exciting! at the same time the game grew, as did its problems, which im also really endeared by. culture around shitty items and traps rooms, bad devil deals and challenge characters, people going "skill issue" towards anyone who brought up any of this, is truly hilarious, and amplifies the multiplayer experience .. :3

all of that is to be expected by such a small game getting so big, and it really has to be loved in its entirety. i LOVE Repentance, and i assert that its the best way to play the game! (Afterbirth+ being the worst...) i love the way the story is related to every aspect imaginable, and how its all told through an unreliable narrator, drawings, items, costumes, monsters... little horrifying details littered in every corner. replayability issues aside, the ending to Repentance is very satisfactory and epic to me.. i will never forget how it felt to beat dogma and the beast for the first time.

in the game... i tend to main cain and judas. while i dont play more gimmicky characters much anymore, i also love the forgotten and tainted bethany. isaac himself is also always good! oh, and eve.... hm ^^ i like a lot of them

aesthetically/as characters... i get drawn towards Magdalene, Eve, and Lilith. i am simple, i like my girls............and blue baby

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