Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anon · 3d

how do you feel about being popular and having fans?

am i? i havent seen it like that in a while but it also is probably important for me to remember there are people who look up to me that do see it this way? i think for a while the notion has scared me, that i am an idea that expectations are put onto. at least thats what words like "popular" and "fans" sound like in my head. i feel im bad at holding up those expectations (slow with commission work, doesnt moderate server well or update it consistently, everchanging art style, hardly touch bluesky which i was meant to migrate to) but i suppose if this is how you + others think of me i must see that as a compliment ^^; ! i definitely am grateful for having a following at all, and so many financial supports over the years that have gotten me up until very recently, SO VERY FAR without having another job outside of art.
so i suppose all-thats to say "huh?" "its scary!" and "it feels good!"

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