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Anonymous Coward · 2mo

What's your favorite collectable card game?

Card collecting has always been to expensive of a hobby for me so i never really got into it! i guess by default it could be pokemon? i have a little deck i occasionally buy cards for but i dont know how to play the game or anything!

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

What do you think are the cutest and most flattering adjectives or pet names to be called, as a fat fur? I’ve always been partial to being called “tubby”, or “blubber butt”…

I usually like indirect flattery and pet names, but its also really really fun to pull out the really blunt, unsugarcoated stuff after a while,,

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Do you like casual snuggles? Between that sheepy wooly fluff and the flab I bet you give phenomenal cuddles.

hee, well i mean, i think all the fluff puts in way more work than i do physically, and it may be a little bit hard to share a bed with me but! my hooves arn't the only ones that've built these bountiful rolling hills, and it'd be awful ungrateful of me not to share them~

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

I think you’re very lovely and very nice and I hope you have a wonderful weekend filled with sweets and treats :D

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

How’s clothing shopping for a sheep as yourself!

i don't really do clothes shopping these days, a lot of my clothes are commissioned! And as such, i dont really have a whole bunch of clothes to begin with... I don't really go out enough to get bothered by that though! You uh, kinda get used to having natural modesty, at my weight! at least when nobody cares to point it out, behbehbeh

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Do you have a favorite comfort activity or piece of media?

Theres some games i always come back to, but for like purely nostalgic value i do a replay of cave story every other year, or ill play black and white, or spirit tracks, or dragon quest 6... i played a lot more games growing up than watching tv cause i didnt have cable!

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Do you remember if anything particular made you decide that you wanted to be fatter?

liking being fat and wanting to gain weight has kinda always been something i've wanted very deeply for myself, even in grade school! the only difference is that i can better articulate that desire now

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

What’s the surest way to make you grin and blush? :3

awaa! as if i would make it that easy... theres no meeting halfway here, behehe, thats a lot of effort for someone my size!

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

What's more appetizing: cakes or pies?

pies all the way! i'm actually really picky about my frosting, and most frosting tends to be waaaay too sweet for me!

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Have you ever have anything someone might consider “embarrassing” happen, as a result of your size, that you actually really enjoyed?

Any number of things honestly,, from needing aides to help me with pretty basic tasks like keeping my clothes pulled and my face clean, breaking support equipment, and generally taking up space in public... it makes me so red in the face, but i do love being burdensome,,

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

I'm gonna put bumper stickers on your electric chair

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

Curious about your setting, how does the magic work? Is it more Vancian, where people can learn magic as a discipline and cast spells that are the same as each other, or is it more the sort where everyone's magic is unique and reflective of their personality?

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

Who's your voiceclaim for pas?

I dont really have one! I've always kinda just imagined my own voice, but like my ideal would be like, a mid to low tone fem leaning voice, mostly midwestern accent, with hints of southern twang here and there

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

If sheepie could have any special power or ability, what would it be?

actually in the loose worldbuilding i have for my setting, pas is distinctly non-magical! They are a huge magic nerd however and have studied up on spellcraft, they just dont have juice to do anything with it. I think its fun contrast to my partners who are very magical, behehe

Anonymous Coward · 3mo
I really like the drawings you make, your way of making fat and greasy folds is amazing and I would like to see more of that How did you find that way to draw the fat furs? Was someone your inspiration?

i couldnt really point to a singular artist, theres loads of artists out there that does great neet stuff!

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