Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 27d

I've often felt the most distinctively adorable & appealing aspect of Pas' persona is their total, unabashed, easy-going attitude to their own obesity! There's none of the awkward: 'H-have I gained weight? …D-don't be ridiculous!' 😅 or 'SHUDDUP! I'M NOT FAT DAMNIT!!!' 🤬 ya so often see in other feedist OCs! Ya always get the impression that if asked outright, Pas would just reply: 'Yeah, I'm fat. I love being fat. I wanna grow even fatter, & I love helping Others grow fatter too! 😊…You have a great day!'

Yeah deep at my core i'm someone who loves my lifestyle! I can still feel shy and struggle to talk about it openly but at the end of the day i want to be a gainer without shame or guilt!

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