Arman · 10 answers · 3y

"If one of the arguments for UBI is that it would reduce poverty and in turn crime, then by this logic state-issued girlfriends would also help reduce crime because inceldom plays an important role in driving some people to do horrible things." Thoughts?

Hmm... where to start. Poverty is a byproduct of a system. A system that allows (encourages, even) companies to pay their workers disgustingly low wages in order to maximise profit. A system that allows all housing stock to be privately held, which makes for poor quality accommodation and crippling rents for lower paid people. A system that actually penalises low paid people in all kinds of ways: from getting the worst tariffs for utilities; being charged higher interest rates when they borrow money; paying higher rates in insurance; even paying more for food - because they don’t have a car to get to the big supermarket and have to buy from (expensive) local convenience stores. Poverty is a trap. You can have two parents working full time and still not be able to feed their kids.

Being involuntarily celibate is almost a lifestyle choice. These poor creatures bemoan their shag-free lot in life, cursing their lack of good looks in their failure to snag a Stacey of their very own. Vilifying all these hot, young women who only go for hot, young Chad. “WHY NOT ME?! WHAT’S HE GOT THAT I HAVEN’T?!” And the thing is, they’re so furious at these women for only being interested in looks when they’re doing exactly the same thing themselves. They’re getting all kinds of surgery to get themselves ‘manly jawlines’ and thick hair; they’re working out and popping steroids to bulk up their bodies to Chad standard (not to mention all the penis-stretching exercises!) and Stacey still isn’t interested! Maybe they should go for a Mandy or a Brenda instead... you know, the women who aren’t supermodel material... just a thought. Or maybe they should work on their god awful attitude. Maybe that’s what’s putting off the girls. Maybe they look absolutely fine; they just have a shitty personality.

Shitty personalities can be changed with hard work. It takes a lot more than hard work to get out of the poverty trap. These people are already working all the hours god sends.

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