inhahe · 4 answers · 3y

What's the scaredest you've ever been by something that's not actually harmful (for example, by a non-venomous spider, a horror movie, or a ghost)?

I’m terrified of moths - butterflies too. I hate them! The way they flutter round your face... I was sitting in a very small room one night with three or four crackheads (Why was a sitting in a very small room with three or four crackheads? That’s a whole other story.) Anyway, a HUGE moth flew in the window and started flapping around. This thing was massive and I genuinely feared for my life, so naturally I ran out of the room squealing. The worst thing was, in my terror, I ran out and left my handbag sitting on the floor. Sitting on the floor in a room full of crackheads... I had to go back in and get it. They all just lay there and watched me as I ran around screaming and waving my arms around, too stoned to notice how much their lives were in danger.

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