Arman · 10 answers · 2y

How would you react if someone complimented your forehead?

They just might do that now! I’ve had a mole-thing on my forehead forever. Not right in the middle, thankfully, but slightly to one side. People always said they never noticed it, but I hated it my whole life. Anyway, about 6 weeks ago I cut it off with a pair of scissors. Yep. Scissors. (I really had to push them hard - and they’re really sharp scissors.) I heard it dropping on the floor(!) but couldn’t find it anywhere. (I was thinking of handing it to select people and waiting for them to say, “Eww, what’s that?” before lifting up my hair and pointing to my beautifully smooth forehead, but alas it wasn’t to be.) But the amazing thing was: it was utterly painless! Really. Never felt a thing. Bled like a bugger though.

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