Arman · 12 answers · 5y

What will you do if someone greets you with Nazi salute?

I’ve been thinking about this and my very first thought still stands. I’d probably laugh. Not because what they’re doing is funny (not by any stretch of the imagination) but because they themselves are laughable and they deserve to be mocked. Because they’re so pathetically unimportant and utterly impotent, and they know it. They know that being born a white male christian just doesn’t cut it like it used to, and are all too terrifyingly aware that being an uneducated, uncultured, lazy grunt (but with white skin!) simply isn’t enough to automatically be a master of the universe these days. And there they are, trying so very very hard to be something they don’t have a hope in hell of ever being - top of the heap - that they fixate on the only thing (they think) they’ve got going for them - the good, christian colour of their skin. They need to feel that they’re innately ‘better’. And being better means you can’t be a jew/a person of colour/muslim/gay etc, because that’s what they’ve been told their whole lives. The sole qualification you need to be a fully paid-up member of the master race is white skin - just like Jesus had - and they’re too thick to question it.

So how much of a wretchedly worthless wanker are they? (The wankometer would be off the scale!) And what do you do with wankers? You laugh at them. You laugh at them to show them how outdated and insignificant and meaningless they are. Nothing will get to them more. Shouting and getting angry at them only feeds their hate. They expect anger and violence. They probably welcome it because it strengthens their “I’m being oppressed” schpiel. Don’t give them the satisfaction. Laugh at them like the fucking clowns they are.

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