Reina · 12mo

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Reinaㅡbiasa aku panggil Ren <entahlah, pengen aja> is a caring yet lovely friend. She radiates an older figure, like a mom and sometimes like a teteh too. Always giving good reassurances and advices, one of my safe places karena kalau curhat ke kamu aku bener-bener didengerin dan biasanya pemikiran kita sama. Could be a chaotic one too, apalagi kalau bahas cocoki deh buset. I also can say you're a good lover, tapi overthinker huahahaha kayak aku. Skill FBI-nya luar biasa, salut deh. You're also a great bff because you told me the right thing when I'm wrong, instead of judging. Please jangan lost spargh sama aku ya Ren. <3

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