Pawesome · 6 answers · 3y

Is there an edge of space or is it infinite? What if you could go beyond the edge, what would be there?

The question of what’s beyond the edge of space rests a category mistake. If you can localise something that is beyond ‚the edge of space‘ it cannot be the edge of space. For if it were, clearly nothing that is spatially extended could be there. It’s like asking what was before the beginning of time or how many birds are human or what numbers taste like. The question makes no sense.
The question that does make sense is whether such an edge exists. And I’m pretty sure that science has settled that there is one. It doesn’t necessarily need to be in our dimensions though. Could be that we are living on the surface of a 4-dimensional ball, in which case 3D-space would appear to be infinite although space per se is not.

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