Kia ᕱ⑅ᕱ · 9 answers · 21d

Henlo! ✨ Tell me what's your thoughts on Kia, please...? 🐥

Kia is like a little girl who seems very spoiled and cheerful, truly resembling a newborn baby. She always responds to her friends expressively! <3 And now she has a bf, you can see how adorable her behavior is when she's with him.

Kia has two sides to her: sweet and... well, let's just say I can't really put the other one into words. She's adorable, funny, sweet, and really cares about her friends a lot <3

Pertama kali lihat dan mutualan sam Kia, vibesnya lucu & positif, apa karena masih bayi ya? 🤔


️️ Cute, Attractive, Kind, Hyper active maybe? That's what i see from Kia.


Her presence itself succed on caught my attention to approach and know her better. As days going till date, I thoughts that she is Cute (ofc), A Convo-builder, loves to talk on many things and that's the reason why she is a good kisser. 😛 Must be handled with extra extra extra extra extra extra care. ᰔᩚ

Kia is a sweet and cute girl :3 You’re very friendly and nice to talk to. I think you treat your friends very well. I hope we can get even closer ^^

Naughty thoughts, actually. 😈 My beautiful and hilarious woman. Yang paling sering bully aku, ceplosannya selalu lucu dan gosipin aku di group, tapi karena aku sayang kamu, aku gak marah sama kamu. Mwah. 💋

Kia! Anak lucu! Kamu terlalu lucu untuk dunia yang penuh dengan ewbrut ini, Kia ☹️💔 Kia is such a mood-booster! You really know how to brighten up the vibe just by being there. You are just.. full of positive vibes. I hope you are always happy ya sayangku!

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