Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Do you think Taki will become the student council president one day?

I can see it. I think she can be a good successor to Misaki. I know she sleeps in class lol but I think that's just because she prioritizes making music (I also think that her grades are fine). She's serious about her work, whether it's her part time job or the band activities, so I think she'd be as serious about the students council duties.
The only issue is if she'd have time. She's managing the band, composing music, practicing the drums, working part time, taking care of a certain cat, and of course studying. So does she have enough time for students council stuff? Maybe in the future when she's more relaxed and she learns to share her burdens with those around her, I think then it can happen.

Now the question is, if Taki becomes president who will be the vice president? (Umiri?)

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