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Frejik · 17d

https://peekaboo149.lofter.com/post/1fd71985_2bc00fc1a Takitomo press 3 to unsubscribe from random drops of lofter takitomo


So according to the EVER so reliable Google Lens, Taki and Tomori were too shy to ask for the picture from Anon but then asked her in private? And then Taki framed it (ww) and Tomori set it as wallpaper?
They're so awkward and cute <3 🥺☺️

Thanks for sharing the tktm food 🙏 Feel free any time.

Frejik · 25d

Raito this is just a goofy site I hope you find it funny if you look through it https://cuberule.com/

Thanks for the link, that was fun scroll. I like how more and more unhinged it got.
Did you know that in an obscure corner of the internet they call Taki "Tacos"?
Now you do :b Although it's the wrong categorization according to this guide.

Anonymous Coward · 26d

What do you think about poly MyGO

I mean they're already kind of vowed to stay together for life, so I can kind of see it working out and they become one (big) family. But some connections still need some work for a fully connected pentagram.

But if you're asking about my personal preferences, I think I might like the Soyo x Taki x Anon triangle. Their two-on-one dynamics are quite fun to watch. But beyond that I still don't have strong opinions one way or the other.

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

How do you think about "Silhouette Dance?”
I think it is about Taki. The reason is that she is the only member of the group who stays up all night lol.
Aside from that, I feel that the lyrics of that song about forgetting and enjoying the pain that can't be wiped away will be a relief to Taki.
I feel that all of MyGO!!!!!’s songs have a background story. I imagine that "Silhouette Dance" is a song about Taki after she has a good night's sleep.
What is the story in your mind?

PhuNguyen4008 · 27d

Why Tomorin been hiccups!

You must be talking about that TakiTomo area conversation. I don't really know but Tomori was really cute and Taki very reliable. I love it.

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

I can't get Umitaki out of my head. They look so good together. I really hope this is the path that the MyGO members find out about what Sakiko and Mutsumi are up to because it will give an opportunity for both some Taki-focused storytelling as well as open up the hyper competent stoic Umiri. Am I hopeless?

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

Being under the influence that is Taki, have you noticed a lot more panda imagery around you?

Yes definitely. I started noticing every panda-related item or plushie I come across when I go into stores. I also ended up buying a panda keychain. I theorize that most Taki fans suffer the same symptoms.

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

thank you for all the takitomo art!! it warms my heart to believe someday their feelings will reach each other 🥹🫶🥹🫶

PhuNguyen4008 · 1mo

Who's said Rikki to Taki!

So far Anon, Raana, and Soyo once in one of the YouTube shorts.
I expect that the list will grow in the future.

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

I've seen many discourse online saying that Taki's character shaping is lacking, or did not have enough time. What do you think?

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

What program do you use to draw?

I mainly use Krita. I really like some of the brushes it has. But I also use Clip Studio Paint sometimes. The text tools in Krita aren't that good, so whenever I need to add text I switch to CSP.
On Android I'm currently using Infinite Painter, but I'm still not too used to it and I haven't tried many options so maybe there's something better.

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Any Maki headcanons to share?

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Do you think Taki will become the student council president one day?

Mikoi · 2mo

Hello, if there is a fan group inviting you drawing illustration for a TakiTomo fan flower stand for MyGO!!!!! offline event would you be willing? Of course, remuneration will be provided.

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

How many time takes you to draw something??

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