Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Any Maki headcanons to share?

I think I have many different mental images of Maki and I can't settle on one. I mainly have questions about her, too many questions maybe. Like how aware was she of what Taki was going through in middle school? When she recommended Taki to Sakiko, how much did she tell her about Taki's situation? What did she think of Taki quitting the trumpet? quitting Crychic? Does she know that Taki is gay? And more...
We may or may not get an answer to them in the future, so we'll have to wait.
For now here are some theories/head canons:
- Maki and Taki were really close when they were young, but the way people kept comparing them opened a rift between them which kept getting wider. Taki doesn't hat her or blame her but can't be open to her anymore. And I think Maki always wanted to help but realized that she's the one causing Taki's suffering even indirectly, so she tried to keep her distance.
- The Shiina parents put Maki in charge of taking care of Taki, so Taki wasn't allowed to be alone most of the time (this is info from the Radio but they didn't mention Maki specifically). Maki might've had to accompany her everywhere and make sure she's safe, look after her needs etc... It might explain why current Taki shows affection in that "overly protective caretaker" kind of way, it could be because it's the only way she experienced and knew first-hand (regardless of what kind of affection she's trying to show).
(Also, don't get me started on the Shiina parents... Why are they hiding them? Is hiding Maki not enough? We know more about about Raana's parents then Taki's, what gives? I hope they're doing it for a reason... Or maybe not. I have to be careful what to wish for.)
- Maki knows about Mygo but still hasn't gone to watch them live yet out of fear that her presence might disturb Taki's performance.
- Maki had longer hair when she was younger but cut it short later on.
- Maki is not Nyamu (this is not a headcanon, just canon).
- Maki is the one who introduced Taki to pandas by taking her to the zoo. when they were young.
That's all I could think of for now.

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