Mauve · 3 answers · 5y

If you were going to be tormented in the style of Tantalus, with something you desired very much being held constantly just out of your reach, what would be the most tormenting unobtainable object possible for you?

It would be cruel to have my twin flame held just out of my reach. Dare I say we have grown up together, in that together we have matured from teenagers to adults and found ourselves as a pair, and to be apart for too long is to live without a shadow. We do not like to be without the other to such a degree that questions are raised if one of us is spotted alone. To have him held just out of reach of my touch, when his touch is all I covet, would truly be torture.

But should you want to know about something I currently do not have, it would be a crystal ball. This crystal ball represents certainty and the future. My biggest anxieties revolve around harm and death; I am afraid of roberry and tresprass, car crashes and cancer, sudden and drawn out deaths. I am skittish in my own home. Every creak and groan of wood is a violent burglar. Every pain in my leg is a fatal disease. I would want nothing more than to look into that crystal ball and feel assured that I will not die tomorrow, that I can relax today, that the likelihood of a tornado sweeping through my home next month is null, that the anxiety and the skittishness and the fear can wait for a while longer.

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