Kate Matsuda · 7 answers · 3y

Hey black guys, I got a question : In Germany there exists an old 16th century word for black African people: Mohr, or Maure, for any sort of people from North Africa. Now some say it is a racist term. Is it?

Thank you, Race Court is now in session, order, order!!! I haven't heard anyone use it outside of literature, and from that context it never really seemed to be used as a pejorative, just a descriptor of a person's origin/ancestry, maybe the 'problem' is that you're lumping all of North Africa together? Kind of like how 'oriental' fell out of favor because it was overly broad and euro-centric? Anyway this court finds that the word is NOT racist, but shouldn't be used because we have so much more information about said ancestry now and there are more useful/helpful terms. Next case please!!

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