Kate Matsuda · 7 answers · 8mo

Proposal: We made smoking tobacco a socially awkward and disgusting habit and outlawed it to boot. In the name of health. That transition only took 20 years from a generally acceptable public habit of everybody to a crime. Now why the fuck cannot we do the same with climate ruining habits?

I think it's a lot easier with tobacco because you can point to people with stomas from their throat cancer and show people's blackened lungs and all...with climate it's somewhat more abstract - like you can talk about rising ocean levels and melting ice caps and polar bears and all but it doesn't play quite as well when folks are self-centered and can't wrap their heads around what climate changes is specifically going to do to THEM in their day-to-day lives - once again, this is a failure of leadership that doesn't value education (and also are being paid off by the same people currently wrecking the planet)

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