
Rhian ferch Catrin. Escaped lab experiment. Corrupted beyond recognition. Trying to learn what it means to be a good person.

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I may hesitate. But you may keep trying.
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Hiber Wintercall · 5mo

... What happens if someone scuffs their paws on a carpet to build up a static charge, then touches you?

My fur poofs up, I get a start just like anyone else, and my heart starts racing - and if they're unlucky, they get a MUCH more powerful zap right back.

Acoana · 5mo

Meta moment, but, considering your powers, is it possible for you to access the internet (assuming it even exists in your world), if it is, do you?

Fun fact, I've tried, and...yes. But also no. I can rewrite memory data easily, but doing it in just the right way -- and quick enough -- to access the internet is. EXTREMELY challenging, bordering very closely on impossible.

For an analogy, imagine connecting your ribbons to a literal thousand people, one at a time and one after the other, getting a sense for how they feel, and having to do it for all of them in the span of less than a minute.

Acoana · 5mo

What’s your favorite chord progression? Mine is either the circle of 5ths or 2 adjacent augmented fourths, a double tritone.

I'm not sure I have a favorite...though the deceptive open-endedness of a minor - major - minor rising sequence (B minor, D major, F# minor, for instance) presents a challenge that can be very mystical and otherworldly when done just right.

Acoana · 6mo

How interested are you in various trivia? Like inconsequential quirks of history, or niche engineering subjects.

Not very...mostly because it's hard for me to keep track of. It can make for interesting conversation, I guess, but...usually I listen to rather than give trivia.

[OOC] Extremely.

A shadow in the night · 6mo

How often do you engage in roleplays?

[OOC] It varies, from as much as a couple times per day down to once a week. It depends on how much energy I have at any given time.

A shadow in the night · 6mo

Ever been struck by lightning?

A shadow in the night · 6mo

What does rain do to your fur?

The opposite of what it does to anyone else's. Rain conducts electricity. Being out in it is like supercharging me, and my fur poofs up to match.

Acoana · 6mo

Ever cuddled with someone to sleep? Do you want to?

Oh yes, many times! In fact coming up on someone while they're already asleep is one of my favorite ways to rest.

A shadow in the night · 6mo

What's the difference between a ferrari and a dead body? :)

A shadow in the night · 6mo

How ya feelin?

Fleur de Camille · 6mo

What do you think of fairies?

I've heard many things about fairies, but haven't met enough to really draw a conclusion. From what I can tell they're basically my opposite in every way - pure and clean, yet dangerous in the extreme. Whereas I'm tainted at a genetic level, but I try to be kind. It would be...interesting to get up to stuff with a fairy, and see what they're really like.

A shadow in the night · 6mo

Why do you like listening to people's stories so much more than telling your own?

My story is tragic. Emotional. A labor to tell and even more of one to listen to. No, far better to open myself to the joys of others than bog down a sunny day with my sad history.

Acoana · 6mo

Seeing as Jolteons are generally considered fast, and you're a pretty large one... What's the top speed you ever ran?

I haven't exactly had someone nearby clocking my speed. But I was once able to make it down a human road from one town to another in less than an hour. I was later told those towns are almost a day's travel apart. So about that fast.

Fleur de Camille · 6mo

Does your large size ever cause any problems for you?

Several to many! Lots of Pokémon hanging around are a fraction of my size if that, and just looking at me is enough to cause many of them to panic. I can't say I blame them; imagine if a 15-foot dinosaur came up on an unsuspecting human. It wouldn't matter what soothing words that dinosaur said, now would it?

As far as other issues, mostly I merely envy being unable to burrow or hide like smaller Pokémon can. Climbing trees is quite easy, though!

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