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Anonymous bird · 6mo

omg you're so real for wanting a garupa jazz band... before we knew anything about mygo i was really hoping they were a jazz band!! obviously that's not the case today... i absolutely love their music but sometimes i still feel like we missed out on having a jazz band. anyways sorry for the rant but what are your favorite jazz/orchestral songs? :)

Oh that's so funny! MyGO music is roughly what I was expecting it to be (though minus all the nuances Youchan is able to put into her voice, which really impresses me). I hope they do have a jazz band eventually though!

Also gosh hmmm. To be honest as I was typing out those genres, Go Shiina's work came to mind! He used to work for Bandai Namco and he's done work for Idolmaster, but I love his work for the Tales series most. For a jazz example look up "Bandit Holidays" and "A Cheerful Bandit" from Tales of Legendia, for an orchestral example look up "Melody of Water is the Guide in Spiritual Mist" from Tales of Zestiria. He also does vocal versions of songs, like "Saihyou" from Idolmaster and "Hotarubi" from Tales of Legendia. I feel like Bandori would need something a bit more simple if they did orchestral music but the vibe of his work is similar to what I would love to see!

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