Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous bird · 5mo

sorry to ask, im sure you arent planning on doing it because of your ave mujica translations but are you going to translate live it now at some point? if not its totally okay! i just cant find the lyrics anywhere for the songs that were released with the album so i could at least translate them with papago

I'm on a bit of an Aimi hiatus right now admittedly, I haven't even listened to the songs yet myself;; I want to get back to it eventually but I can't give a timeline for when. It'll just be whenever the mood strikes for me again. I will say knowing someone out there is still interested in reading my work for her does motivate me more, so thank you for asking about it!

As for raws of the lyrics, you can always find them on here
They're not copy/paste-able sadly (I'm always having to dig for sites that let me). If you Google 愛美 歌詞 (word for lyrics) and the song names you can find more results and hopefully one that lets you copy the text. I hope that helps in the meantime

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