Rhian · 11mo

Are you positive or negative? Can you switch between them? ...is that even a question with an answer? How does your plasma and electricity work?

I'd like to think I'm a pretty positive person...! And I don't know if that's a question with an answer! All I know is that when I power machines, it works! Alternating current swaps between positive and negative- That's what the alternation is, you see- And direct current doesn't, and can be either. Home appliances are powered by DC, usually, and it's got wires for both- Red and black- And I can possess them, so... I guess, mostly DC? I dunno, really! Honestly, I think the answer is fudged a bit by being a Ghost Type, with the metaphysical concept having more weight then physics. I think that's why ghosts tend to mirror certain ideas and themes! A collective unconcious binding specific forms... At least, when pokemon become ghosts like that, and don't just, uh, breed normally.

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