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𓂁𓂄 · 2d

If you have one, what is your current favorite song?

With over ten thousand musics on my liked songs, choosing one is like forcing a fish to pick its favorite drop of water. Very tomenting. But if I must, 'So Good at Being in Trouble' by Unknown Mortal Orchestra is stealing the spotlight for now.

𓂁𓂄 · 18h

halo, elias! apakah masih ingat jinji..? huhu, maaf, akunnya lewat timeline karena dari adventoon, tapi takut elias engga nyaman kalau langsung difollow. akuuu rindu sekali dan pengen temenan, kalau boleh... ;___; tolong jawab ini lewat airtweet aja ya, jangan di post pesannya, soalnya aku malu 😭 maaf sekali lagiii karena ngomongnya lewat iniii.

Jinji! Of course I remember you. God knows how long my days have been passing by without your presence. Thank you for being so thoughtful as to ask for my permission first, padahal kalau follow langsung juga engga apa kok. There's no need for apologies. Come here and press that button, will you?

𓂁𓂄 · 2d

Elias, your writing is genuinely beautiful. May I ask if it’s okay to include a sentence from your work in my bio? I promise to credit you as the author.

I'm glad you appreciate it enough to want to quote it. Please, feel free to use whichever line you resonate with.

𓂁𓂄 · 6d

This song remind me of you and Idk why. I hope you're doing fine, Elias.

I'm listening. Two Birds, knew the song and finding it oddly comfortable. Thank you for sharing this and wishing me well, I hope you're doing fine and even better. Take care, kind stranger.

𓂁𓂄 · 6d

Be happy, you will always be my most beautiful Painter.

Been a while, Writer. This brings back memories. Are you still writing? Good at pretending? Perhaps trying pottery? I remember you had charms with words. I also remember you needing to find another Painter. "Making you cry, that is a sin," is forever your line I find sweet. Even until this very day. Thank you. I hope days have been kind to you, and I hope you're happier with someone new.

𓂁𓂄 · 8d

Happiest birthday, Elias. I have this hunch that my presence won't be welcomed in any way, but today, I really want to ask you. What can I help to make you feel the happiness again?

Thank you. As for the hunch, it's unwarranted—I'm open to hearing from anyone, and while I don't know who you are, the desire to help me feel happy is very sweet. May I ask who's behind this? I'd prefer to know the person extending their assistance before sharing what brings me to such a feeling.

𓂁𓂄 · 8d

Talking to you feels nice, I wish I can have those unending conversation with you.

Yeah? That's wonderful to know, then. I may not respond quickly but I appreciate each connection I have with everyone here. Feel free to reach out whenever you want to talk. Even if it means sending me multiple texts or re-texting.

𓂁𓂄 · 10d

Hi, Elias. I don't know when you will reply to my text again but it's good to see you here. I love your writings.

It's never my intention to keep anyone waiting. Please understand that it's not because I don't want to talk or engage; it's just the way I tend to be sometimes, along with the tight schedules. However, I do appreciate your kind words about my writings. Knowing that someone out there enjoys them means a lot to me. Thank you.

𓂁𓂄 · 11d

How lucky and privileged your muse must be to inspire your writings. I envy them.

That's not luck, that's misfortune. They have to carry that burden, to bear the weight of my inner demons. That's not luck, that's suffering. And you should never envy someone else's pain.

𓂁𓂄 · 13d

Hai, Elias! Salah satu tulisanmu tanpa sengaja masuk ke lini masaku, aku penasaran dan berakhir melihat-lihat isi akunmu (minta maaf di atas materai). Cantik, cantik sekali tulisanmu sampai tidak sadar sudah sampai bawah, hehe. :D Yaa, aku sudah terlanjut tertarik nih, kita bisa mutualan tidak?

Lucunya.. There's always room for more mutuals. Bisa langsung kok, apalagi kalo mintanya engga ngumpet-ngumpet. I'm looking forward to seeing you! Promise I'll welcome with open arms.

𓂁𓂄 · 14d

does someone have your heart?

Once upon a time, someone did have every piece of it. As of now, it belongs to no one.

𓂁𓂄 · 14d

Hi, Elias! I was late to reply under your menfess so I hope you're okay I tried to find you through everyone that replied. It's been a while since I found people who used TGCF's character as their pfp so I'm sooooo excited that you use Hua Cheng as your pfp! I'm starting to think whether you're okay if we followed each other and become mutuals? Thank you. 😆

With the efforts you took just to find me, I'm absolutely down to add another mutual. Thank you for reaching out, yeah?

𓂁𓂄 · 14d

Just passing by to let you know that I absolutely adore your writing. Looking at how your writings tend to be centered around a certain muse, there's only one thing that I wanted to say. May you be grated reprieve from all your griefs, Elias.

A subtle aspect not many notice, yet here you are. Grateful you passed by and took the time to express such care. Sending my gratitude your way, anonymous. I hope June remains lovely to you.

𓂁𓂄 · 15d

I don't know, but you're so fcking attractive.

Trying not to get a big head, but it's not every day someone proclaims me as such. Thank you for the bold compliment, whoever you are. :]

𓂁𓂄 · 15d

I found you. The universe truly has a funny way to lead me back to you.

Or it's just the small world we live in. Though, I'm left wondering who might this hidden sender be. Care to reveal yourself?

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