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Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Anything you like about PR Samurai?

Anonymous Coward · 12d

Thoughts on Kamen Rider Decade?

Anonymous Coward · 20d

Out of curiosity, how are you able to make your custom Toku merch?

Used/duplicate items I already have, laminate sheets, some scissors, and a glue stick.

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

Thoughts on Yui Nagomi/Cure Precious?

Dull as a rock. She's basically Tendou from Kabuto, but with Takeru Tenkuji's non-existent personality, and replace the granny quotes with empty platitudes. To her credit, she doesn't get put a pedestal like he does, and she's not a total mary sue. She has no character arc, no challenges to overcome, or anything of the like, and she comes off more like cartoonish paragon instead of a person.

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Thoughts on every member from Hello Happy World?

Kokoro: Precious ball of sunshine

Hagumi: Precious ball of energy

Kaoru: Fleeting~

Kanon: Someone save this girl. lol

Misaki: Best girl, no ifs ands or buts.

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

What makes Sango from Taisen gp a blank slate?

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Why do you hate goody good main riders?

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Favorite member of each Bang Dream band?

Poppin Party: Arisa

Afterglow: Himari

Pastel Palettes: Aya

Roselia: Lisa

Hello Happy World: Misaki


Morfonica: Touko

MyGo: Taki

Ave Mujica: So far, Umiri

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Thoughts on Sento Kiryu from Build?

He's my favourite post Gaim main rider. He was snarky, he was funny, had an ego, he had an arc had helped him develop, he wasn't a goody good, he was smart, didn't give empty speeches, and even if he did, they felt genuine because he actually had stuff to back it up with.

There's a lot of reasons why Build is my second favourite rider series.

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

thoughts on Aruto Hiden for Zero-One

He's was a fine main rider. He was a good mix of a goody good main rider but given a more jokey personality to him, I do like how despite how he wants to have faith in humagears because thats what his grandfather wanted, and it does show him struggling. Unfortunately they did this whole turning to the dark side thing with him towards the end which, I don't mind in it concept, but happens out of nowhere with no build up or anything.

I blame the pandemic for Zero-One's rushed mess of a final arc.

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Thoughts on Ikki Igarashi from Revice?

Honestly, he's the only goody good main rider post Gaim that I liked through and through.
He wasn't a gary stu, his speeches felt genuine, he showed he had flaws that he himself was aware of, he had an actual story arc and he felt like an actual person. He wasn't a cartoon character spouting nonsense cause some metaphorical chart said this will hit a certain demographic, he felt like an actual person.

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

which pink would you rather be stuck in an elevator with Megumi or Hikaru?

I'll go with Megumi, because at worst she's dull as cardboard.

Hikaru's insufferable

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

in your opinion who's the worst pink cure?

Hikaru from Star Twinkle: The same issues I have with characters like Takaharu, Lucky, Tagiru, and Sougo. Loud, annoying, unjustly glorified selfish idiot. She's not has bad as the four I listed, cause she'll at least have a few moments where I can say I liked her, but aside from that, she's insufferable for me.

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

which cure do you think has the most annoying catchphrase?

Hikaru's "Twincool".
I've said it before, but I'll say it here, I don't have a problem with character having a catchphrase.
There's plenty of characters from Toku, anime, or a lot of media in general that I like with catchphrases. But with Hikaru in particular is the same issue I have with Takaharu's and Lucky's, she'll just say it for no reason at the most random circumstances when they're not needed, and its her only character trait.

I don't like Hikaru in general as a character, and this is one of the reasons why.

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