Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Megumi Simp · 1mo

I hope shameless megumi didn't lose his v card with it would be so tasty but also I would be kinda sad for gojo dkdkkdkskks both ships are so good I love how u write them

😇 Hmm... Whatever shall Megumi do? Will he fuck or not fuck?? I actually forgot what I've already shared with you guys since it's been so long LMAO, but, I'll keep quiet to avoid spoilers 😭

Also THANK YOU!!! I'm honored that you like the way I write for both Gofushi and Sukufushi... honestly, they're both such fun dynamics to play around with, it gives me a lot to work with in terms of interactions and dialogue!!! Super duper excited to hear that though!!! AHHHH, thank you!!! I hope you'll continue to enjoy their dynamics in the next Chap!! 🩷💐🥹

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