Inquisitive Historian · 1y

the shinee media thing sounds really fun but what if we aren't a creator or dont have time to create and want to take part? is it going to be creators only?

It won't be creators only! Our event team is already working on a basis for what we're potentially calling the "SHINee Cinematic Wonderland"! We will encourage all forms of fan media such as fanfiction, fanart, fan edits, even playlists based on the characters and more for creators. We'll also have non non-creation based ways to participate such as a list of sites Shawols can review and rate the content on, things like voting on DoesTheDogDie and sending in missing info from parental guides on sites such as iMDB and more so there are plenty of ways to get involved if you aren't a creator!
Plus, if you want to just join to watch the film/tv show, that's also totally fine~

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