Anonymous Star · 7mo

Hi! I saw someone ask about multiple subs and i also had a similar qn I wanted to ask. I know that we'll get assigned aus, but lets say I write story A but find inspiration to write story B towards the final submission. Can I submit both and let the mods decide which to use in the zine?

We’re not stopping you from exploring more AUs! But for the sake of simplicity, please try to stick with the AU you’re assigned with from the start for the Zine. Obviously you’re more than welcome to post your explorations for other AUs outside of the Zine on your own accounts! And if you’re working and you’re just super unhappy with your AU and things aren’t working, we’ll do our best to work with you if you let us know early on, But for the Zine we’ll be formatting and releasing on 3.25, it’s a little easier on the mod team if you stick with the AU you’re assigned at the start.

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